Our goal is to honor and remember the sacrifice of the men of the 28th Regiment, North Carolina Troops. We will portray the 28th at local heritage festivals, living history events, school programs, and battle reenactments. We will use period uniforms, camp settings, weaponry, and first person impressions to bring the men of the 28th to life in the 21st century. Many of us involved in the planning of this effort have been involved with War Between the States (WBTS) reenacting for several years, and have a working knowledge to build a fun, safe, and successful reenacting unit.
The reactivated 28th Regiment North Carolina Troops, Companies I, F, & B; welcome folks of all backgrounds to participate. A love of history and pride in the men who served their country during a most difficult time is the greatest requirement. We need folks that are interested in period military or civilian portrayals. Associate membership is also welcomed. The excitement of walking in the footsteps of our heroic forefathers is something you must experience in order to appreciate it more.
Troops pictured in the video may include, but not be limited to, the following organizations: 1st NC Battalion, Longstreet's Corps, 26th North Carolina Regiment and Palmetto Battalion.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you portray companies I, F, & B of the 28th North Carolina Troops?
Many of our members are descendants of soldiers that served with these Companies of the 28th North Carolina Troops; and as a North Carolinian, it would be an honor to portray any North Carolina unit.
How many events, meetings, etc. must I attend to be a member?
There are no minimum participation requirements. You can come to as many, or as few, events as you choose. However, you will get most of our instruction on drill, and use of arms at events, so you must attend some to learn the basics.
How much will I have to spend for equipment?
Your basic uniform and equipment may reach as much as $1,500, but once you have the basic uniform, the cost is reasonable. We understand that members do not have an unlimited supply of cash; therefore, a new member is given two years to acquire the basic uniform. You can usually borrow what you need from other members until you get your own uniform and equipment.
Where do you get uniforms and equipment?
Sutlers -- dealers who sell to re-enactors -- have what you need to complete your uniform, and can usually be found at most events; many having websites on the net. Ask another member before you buy …we can usually save you time and money.
What other expenses are there?
Yearly dues range from $15 to $20 (dependant upon membership type), are due when you apply for membership, then annually on the first of April. Dues may be prorated after the first of October. Your dues pay for the unit newsletter, website and equipment all members use.
* See the membership application for further details, as additional dues/fees may apply.
In what types of activities does the unit participate?
Our main activities are battle reenactments. However, we also appear in parades, local heritage festivals, living history events, school programs, and memorial services. We are also active in many community events and projects.
Enlistment Application Forms and Information
Please mail the completed Application for Membership and Release of Liability forms to:
Lt. Jeff Frank
Adjutant 28th NCT
130 Turnip Patch Way
Hillsborough, NC 27278